Odd Girls Out and The Loveshies

Odd Girls Out and The Loveshies

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

the Bully and the Stutterer


A bully is an individual who torments others through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other ways.
Bullying is most often used to describe a form of harassment perpetrated by someone who is in some way more powerful, physically or socially.

There is direct bullying and indirect bullying, also known as social aggression:
Direct bullying is the form most common to male bullies.
Social aggression or indirect bullying is most common to female bullies and young children, and is characterized by forcing the victim into social isolation by:
-spreading gossip
-refusing to socialize with the victim
-bullying other people who wish to socialize with the victim
-criticizing the victim's manner of dress and other socially-significant markers like race, religion, disability, speech disorders

Speech Disorders

Speech disorders may be classified according to their causes or symptoms. The major causes are organic, imitative environmental, and psychogenic. Organic disorders may result from disease, impairment, or absence of the organs of speech. Imitative disorders occur when the child imitates defective speech. A speech disorder has a psychogenic origin when there is a psychological basis for its presence. A classification includes disorders of articulation, rhythm, voice, and symbolization.

Disorders of articulation may be so severe that the resultant speech is unintelligible. Specific sounds or groups of sounds may be omitted, added, substituted, or distorted.
The following are some examples of this type of disorder: Lalling, rhotacism, lambdacism,etc., involving misarticulated R, L, T, and D sounds, may be caused by poor control of the tongue tip. In lisping, misarticulated sibilant sounds, particularly S and Z, are often substituted by the 'TH' sound.
Delayed speech, involving the absence of many consonants and poor intelligibility, is often caused by slow physical or psychological maturation. Dysarthria, generalized sound substitutions and distortions, is caused by lesions in the peripheral or central nervous system.

Disorders of rhythm are characterized by disruptions of the normal rate of speech. Two common disorders of rhythm are stuttering or stammering and cluttering.

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